
Versionsübersicht 2.x und davor

Version 2.9h

The last 2.9 version before version 3.0. Minor changes have been made to layout and labeling of certain fields.

Version 2.9g

We again modified the IFA (BDTA) import. The import of Datagraph files (file merging) has been corrected. New fields for contrast sensitivity and Aberrometry pupil size have been added. Graphs can be copied now with transparent background. The Specular Microscopy Cell count difference is now showing the change in percentage and absolute.

Version 2.9f

The PC code generator module which could could not work on certain hard disks has been corrected. IFA and Medistar Import has been modified to allow the automatic import of patient groups. During this import VA lines 0,9 and 0,7 will be automatically converted to 0.8 and 0.63. Empty fields of cyl and axis will be filled with 0 if a value for sphere is present.

Version 2.9e

Double scatter plots which did not show the second trend line under Windows 2000 SP2 or higher and Windows XP can be used again. A problem with very long file path names which could corrupt Datagraph med when converting older data files has been solved. Some minor design changes in the data entry form. Again the IFA import features have been modified.

Version 2.9d

The Aberrometer Tab now contains proper RMS calculations (OSA Standart). The double angle scatter plot now has a centroid showing the mean value of all data points. The IFA import has been extended for group import. A bug in the KRC output report introduced with Version 2.9 has been fixed. The source code has been modified to allow operation on far east and other non US/European windows versions.

Now redy for Chineese Windows and other Far East languages!

Version 2.9b

generating the password for certain PC codes was impossible - for this the password generator had to be changed in order to work with all PC code combinations.

Version 2.9a (starting August 6th 2002)

the age will be calculated again after entering the date of birth (DOB). Romanian has been added as selectable language. The license number is now linked to the individual computer. A field for endothelial cell count ('specular microscopy') has been added to the IOP&other tab. Some additional fields were added to the print out forms.

Version 2.9 (starting July 8th 2002)

a bug in the 'laser type filter fields has been found and corrected.

Version 2.9 beta

Alternatively to MS Access back ends (= data files) Datagraph med now can be used with a SQL Database. The import of IFA data has been improved. Group, Surgery and Refraction field entries now can be explained with a short comment. The data entry has been improved for users who enter their own patient numbers rather than following the Datagraph med numbering system. The Schwind surgery form has been extended. The surgery date will now be automatically transferred into the field for pre OP surgery.

Version 2.8d

Version 2.8 corrects several issues: The scale on the Holladay double angel scatter plot now correctly shows minus cylinder in diopters. The 'Samples2.8.mdb' and 'MyPatients2.8.mdb' files now have references again. (Starting from 2.70c these references where lost and might have caused problems with the data file when deleting a larger number of cases. Users should import their older data into the current version of 'MyPatients2.8' if the patient data file behaves strange.) The main screen should show less redraws when switching from graphs back to the main screen. All 'Laser Setting Cyl versus Surgically Induced Astigmatism' (SIA) scatter plots now use vector analysis for the calculation of the total laser setting cyl - important when analyzing two step procedures such as bitoric or cross cylinder ablations. Some more German translations have been added. The calculated residual stromal thickness is now shown on the surgery tab. Larger groups of patients now can be deleted in the table view by marking followed by using the 'del' key. Switching forward and backward from table view to form view in 1600x1200 screen resolution can now be done without error messages.

Version 2.80

In Version 2.80 we introduce the possibility to identify individual cases from within the scatter plots – this helps to find wrong data entry or problem cases. Screen resolution is up to 1600x1200 now. Import of all 2.x data files is now done automatically. The limits of the nomogram calculator have been changed for more safety. Some translation errors have been corrected. Lay out errors on the print data form have been corrected.

Version 2.70c

Version 2.70c adds some new fields on the patients details tab including user defined fields. Several improvements where made to solve Windows 2000 issues; MEL 70 data import issues and problems which occurred when using own medical numbers. The data file format will be changed automatically when first selecting your older data file. An unchanged copy will be created. The nomogram sections now shows a nomogram calculator which computes sph and cyl settings based on the actual selections.

Note: screen resolutions up to 1280x1024 are supported.

Version 2.70b

A bug in the 'add new patients' sub form which blocked the auto numbering function was corrected. We changed the calculation of the defocus equivalent graph as described in the May/June 2001 issue of the Journal of Refractive Surgery. (the original description which we had adopted turned out to be incorrect)

Version 2.70

XGA (1024x768) is now the standard screen resolution. When using this resolution zooming of the forms and graphs is no longer needed - this makes Datagraph faster. We added a new graph 'PreOP BCVA vs. Post OP UCVA' as suggested by the Journal of Refr. Surgery.

Version 2.60 e

Converts former 2.5 data files automatically. Some minor design changes.

Version 2.60 d

Released May 2001. (if you downloaded the b or c subversion please update to 2.60 d as we corrected some errors – your 2.60 password will work ) Fields for aberroscope data have been added. Data entry form improved. Meditec MEL 70 surgery file import added. SEQ Scatter plots improved (former versions could not handle correctly cases where Post OP SEQ was worse than Pre OP SEQ). Automatic compression on exit added. Access Runtime 9.0 (Office 2000) is used as a standard from now on. A new, powerful filter tool –a so-called 'form based filter' - has been added. It allows filtering your data on multiple parameters. 'and' and 'or' queries are possible. We improved the form-print option: you can print all data for one patient; current treatment only and ' all ' –filtered- data.

Version 2.51

Released January 2001. Introduced generation of nomogram tables and several improvements of the data entry form.

Version 2.50

Datagraph now recognizes your current screen resolution and zooms data entry forms and all graphs to fit full screen.

Spherical equivalent histograms have been added.

The population graph now displays range and standard deviation.

A new complications summary has been added

Custom languages can be edited.

The Spanish version has been activated.

MEL 70 data entry forms have been added.

A bug in the calculation of the defocus graph has been corrected.

The main screen allows own images to be displayed as background (default Iceberg)

A compact and repair function has been added for maintenance of the data file.

Laser or surgery type can be changed in the data entry form (double click on top left corner image area)

The double scatter plots displays numbers of eyes for both groups plus p-value

Version 2.04

The report page 'scheduled surgeries' has been changed. A field 'plate' to indicate the intended flap thickness is added. The target axis is now showing the correct value if target cyl is not zero.

New double scatter plots which allow to compare two data groups have been added including student's t-test! (p-value)

The calculation of the defocus graph has been changed according to the guide lines from the Journal of Refractive Surgery.

Labeling of the graphs has been changed according to Journal of Refractive Surgery

Version 2.03

Different data files can be mixed via the import button again (2.0x bug fixed)

Fields for glaucoma studies have been added

More complication fields have been added

The calculation of the target refraction has been modified. Double click on target cyl changes notation.

The MS Access Runtime installation now runs also PC's which have nothing but Win98 installed.

Version 2.02

The calculation algorithm for the DEQ graph has been corrected.

Link to Medistar praxis management software has been prepared.

A data entry form for the WAVELIGHT Allegretto has been added.

Version 2.01

Some graphs could not be activated with 2.0.

Version 2.0

Version 2.0 introduced several new features:

The data table structure has been changed. We are now using a link between 3 tables (1.x two tables) in order to avoid redundant data.

A highlight are the new 'flexible filters' for all graphs. The user now can decide which fields are used as filters.

We added a new report form for the German KRC and an export button to MS Excel.

A new graph called 'defocus equivalent' (DEQ) has been added.

Version 1.x

the latest version of 1.x was Datagraph med® 1.12. The 1.x data files are automatically converted to the new 2.x format. Once you upgraded to 2.x you will not be able to use your data file with the former version.
