History of Software Revisions
Version 5.93 (August 2023)
User defined scatter plots stopped working if filter settings resulted in empty data sets (0 eyes). Version 5.93 fixes this problem and graphs are displayed correctly after new filter settings are meade.
Version 5.92 (June 2023)
A bug which prevented filtering graphs by axial length was fixed. Exporting the prediction error graph as black and white image has been improved. Minor text label changes.
Version 5.91 (May 2023)
Several modifications and bug fixes. User specified IOL data will now be imported correctly from older data files and not be replaced with default values. New: search and filter function added to the IOL database window. Option to hide individual IOL types. Several text label and format changes of the data entry form. New IOLcon.org lens data downloaded May 2023.
Version 5.90 (March 2023)
Complete revision of the data input form for IOL treatments. Import of IOL constants from iolCON.org. New fields for IOL properties and constants of the Barrett IOL calculation formula. New evaluation options, especially for cataract surgeries. Mean K value and IOL prediction error over time grah (quartile box plot). Revision of the double angle control diagrams. Troubleshooting the coma scatter plot. Tested on Windows 11 and Office 2021.
Version 5.81 (March 3rd 2022)
Fixes an issue of the data entry form (ethnical origin could not be changed) and a bug which appeared when merging two database files containing patients without date of birth data ('incorrect use of null')
Version 5.80 (August 8th, 2021)
Now available as 32 or 64 bit version. Improvements for data importing and merging of different database files. Several internal improvements to reduce the occurrence of macro security warnings.
Version 5.70b (January 21st, 2020)
Minor bug fix because of missing ribbon bar icons on certain PC configurations.
Version 5.70 (December 2019)
Supported MS Office versions: Office 2013, Office 2016 and Office 2019. (Must be 32 bit version of MS Office. 64 bit Office versions are not supported.)
New graph option for all double angle plots: simultaneous display of pre- and post-OP scatter, including centroids and StDev's.
Nomogram Excel Templates format 5.7, updated and extended.
Stricter warning for outliers in nomogram graphs based on laser settings vs. achieved change in correction. Exclusion of laser settings which are entered incompletely.
Incomplete month labelling in 'Change in UDVA vs. PreOP CDVA' graphs fixed.
Conversion error of older data files having too many surgery type labels fixed.
‘Add data file path to trusted locations’ option now added to Tools/Options.
Laser Type Category (11-13) will be set to neutral (0) during data import.
'Show data' icon status update performed correctly when closing tables.
Version 5.60a (December 2018)
Data entry fields for pupil sizes where not visible when SMILE or PRK was selected as surgery type. This has been fixed with 5.60a.
Version 5.60 (December 2018)
Hyperopia Nomograms now in Plus-Cylider display. New file format for IOL data export to IOLcon.org. New! Export of Excel Nomogram look-up tables for myopic, hyperopic and mixed astigmatism treatments. Details improvement and bug fixes. Filter settings remain unchanged until restart.
Version 5.50 (September 2018)
Improved Nomogram functionality, including mixed astigmatism nomograms. IOL data export interface for constants optimization on the IOLcon.org website. Support of high resolution wide screen monitors. Numerous bug fixes and detail improvements.
Version 5.42 (March 21st 2017)
Fields for implanted IOL data (SEQ, Sph, Cyl, Axis) where not updated during data entry. This is fixed now. Biometry data (ACD, LT, AL) can be deleted again in case of wrong data entry.
Version 5.41 (March 2017)
Additional corrections and format changes in the data entry form. Near Add and other field contents have been added as option in table view. A bug which made it impossible to import Schwind Amaris data was fixed. Updated near vision graphs after data entry.
Version 5.40c (February 2017)
The data entry form has been changed for toric IOL. Now SEQ + CYL or SPH + CYL can be entered. The data entry form has been optimized for 125% font size on high resolution monitors. Faster page changes when scrolling through patients. Two new graphs about ACD and Axial length distribution have been added under 'cataract outcomes'. Several minor bug fixes and label changes. Support of Hebrew MS Office versions.
Version 5.40b (January 2017)
A bug which prevented users from entering or displaying the power of an implanted IOL on the IOL data tab was fixed.
Version 5.40a (January 2017)
During conversion of older data files, eyes filed as IOL-Cataract patients lost their surgery type description and got labelled all as 'IOL-Cataract'. This bug was fixed and the old surgery type classification is maintained. Some minor changes on the IOL tab of the data entry form.
Version 5.40 (December 2016)
Completely renewed version with many detail improvements, new tools for refractive and keratometric vector calculation and new graphs. More fields for cataract surgery outcomes and support for large screen resolutions (zooming function). Better implementation of trend lines and ±1 D limits in all scatter plots. BDTA data import does not overwrite changed month columns during re-import.
Version 5.30 a (May 19th 2016)
Data Import: smaller changes in the BDTA import interface.
Graphs: A bug which caused empty graphs in datasets, which contain only hyperopic eyes, was fixed.
Version 5.30 (February 2016)
Graphs and Filters: new graph for astigmatism outcomes: 'Angle of Error', showing the axis vector change between preOP and follow up. 2nd new Graph: pachymetry over time. A new filter option shows only eyes which completed all selected follow-up visits on over time graphs.
Fields and Forms: a new questionnaire field has been added. Minor changes in data entry form.
Data Import and conversion: IOL lens data is transferred again from former Datagraph-med version 5.1 or before files.
Version 5.20d (November2015)
BDTA Import: faster data transfer for older BDTA formats
Version 5.20c (Juli 2015)
Graphs: Bug fixed in CDVA vs. postOP UDVA graphs under decimal VA setting
Tables: Show all button again active; create new exam in table view
Excel Import: longer treatment ID numbers allowed
Version 5.20b (April 2015)
Import: Keratron Scout import of K-values does not overwrite existing data.
BDTA import: now independent of regional settings (accepts . and , as decimal delimiter depending on country settings) Bug fixed when importing decimal VA data. Extended import format including Decimal and Logmar VA and surgery type.
Amaris Import: bug fixed which prevented importing data.
Version 5.20a (March 2015)
Graphs: average/min/max values on scatter plots changed sign. Bug fixed on empty graph titles.
Import: recalculation of all attempted correction values after excel import based on preOP and target refraction. Amaris import bug fixed. Keratron Scout import now including K-Values.
User Interface: IOL power entered as SEQ and optional cylinder power in toric IOL. Immediate update of refraction type and attempted refraction when preOP values have been changed.
Version 5.20 (February 2015)
General Improvements: New fields and forms for Carl Zeiss Meditec VISULAS Flex and Smile procedures. Additional fields for IOL calculation parameters.
Import: Sirius data import extended. Import of ULIB IOL constants.
5.2 (conversion necessary)
Version 5.1a (May 28th, 2014)
General Improvements: Better Office 2010 compatibility. Faster Performance of scatter plots and table. Axial length data imported correctly from previous versions.
Graphs: new graph Attempted vs. Achieved over Axial length, which plots the deviation from target in cataract outcomes.
Import: Schwind Sirius import now writes SimK values into Keratometry fields when importing Corneal WF data.
Version 5.1 (April 4th, 2014)
New version with many detail changes, new features and extended file format.
Graphs: more graphs with changeable scales; new vector change double angle plot for refractive and keratometric cylinder.
User Interface: Additional fields for Cataract/IOL data. IOL constants can be entered manually or copied from ULIB Database.
Data format: 5.1 (conversion necessary)
Version 5.0c (November 11th, 2013)
Graphs: more graphs with changeable scales; bug fixes on aberration graphs;
Version 5.0b (August 13th 2013)
Import/Export: BDTA data import empty target values fixed. Cyl and axis values imported correctly.
Version 5.0a (July 17th 2013)
Graphs: Graph Cell Density over time fixed; vector display on entry form corrected;
Import/Export: AMARIS Import Format 2.2 Presby and others; refraction type will be calculated and not copied from defaults when importing BDTA data
User Interface: clearer error message when trying to use nomogram function without having Excel installed
Version 5.0 (June 18th 2013)
New layout and compatibility with Windows 8 and Office 2013. Many internal changes and new graphs!